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Statistics 4043              
Applied Regression Analysis
Fall 2001


Name: Christopher R. Bilder, Ph.D.
Office: MS 301G
Office hours: MWF 11:30-12:00; M 2-2:30; by appointment.   
Personal Homepage:
STAT 4043 Homepage:


Neter J., Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., and Wasserman, W. (1996).  Applied Linear Regression Models.  Chicago: Irwin.

Neter J., Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., and Wasserman, W. (1996).  Student Solutions Manual for use with Applied Linear Regression Models Third Edition and Applied Linear Statistical Model Fourth Edition.  Chicago: Irwin. (Optional)


 Grades will be based upon the following:  

  Percent of grade
1 Comprehensive Final   25%
3 Tests (lowest score dropped)   50%
Projects, Quizzes, etc...   25%

Grading Scale:

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%

A project completed in an unreadable or unprofessional manner will be returned to the student.  The project may be redone and turned in again; however, points will be deducted from the grade.  No late projects, quizzes, etc. will be accepted.

If you miss a test:  

Since your lowest test score is dropped, your first missed test is your drop test.  If you miss more than one test, come to my office to discuss the situation.  Bring any documented proof needed to support your case.  No “make-up” quizzes are allowed for students missing class.  If you miss a quiz, the lost points may be recovered by doing the extra credit on projects.

Note that this policy includes class absences that are “university excused” or due to extenuating circumstances. 

Computer usage

The statistical computer software package, SAS, will be used extensively to do calculations in this class.  SAS is available in all university computer labs.  All projects must be completed using SAS unless otherwise announced.  Projects completed using another software package will not be accepted. 

 Final exam

The final exam is scheduled for 4:30PM-6:20PM on Friday, December 14. 

 How to be successful in this course

To be successful in this course, I strongly suggest that you should:

  1. Take all exams

  2. Complete all projects

  3. Understand the material in the course lecture notes

  4. Understand how to do all SAS calculations discussed during class

  5. Complete all homework

  6. Read the corresponding sections of the textbook as we cover the course material

If you have problems with completing any of the above, please ask questions in class or stop by during my office hours.



  © 2000-2001 Christopher R. Bilder